
A list of the latest publications that the Director has been working on. 

Peisah C & BENBOW SM

People and their partners living with Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases: systems’ diseases that call for systems’ approaches.  Commentary on “Caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s Disease: the role of coping styles and relationship quality”.

International Psychogeriatrics (2022) 34 (7): 601-603. Preview at this link.

BENBOW SM & Kingston P

Older trans individuals’ experiences of health and social care and the views of healthcare and social care practitioners: ‘they hadn’t a clue’.

Educational Gerontology (2022) 48 (4): 160-173. Open access see this link

BENBOW SM, Eost-Telling C & Kingston P.

A narrative review of literature on the use of health and social care by older trans adults: what can United Kingdom services learn?

Ageing & Society (2021), 1–22. Doi:10.1017/S0144686X21000039. Link to the journal website here and download a pre-publication version below. 

Another publication on this topic is:

BENBOW SM & Kingston P. Seeing people as people: Final report of the Trans Age Project 11 October 2018. This work was commissioned by Age UK Cheshire and funded by Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Equality and Diversity Fund. Please see page 41 of the Report for a list of project supporters. The final report can be downloaded below:

Clark M, Jolley D, BENBOW SM, Greaves N & Greaves I.

Exploring the scope for Normalisation Process Theory to help evaluate and understand the processes involved when scaling up integrated models of care: a case study of the scaling up of the Gnosall memory service.

Journal of Integrated Care (2021) 29 (1): 3-21. See and link to journal website here.

Other publications about Gnosall primary care memory clinic:

Greaves I, Greaves N, Walker E, Greening L, BENBOW SM & Jolley D. Gnosall Primary Care Memory Clinic: Eldercare Facilitator role description and development. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice (2015) 14 (4): 389-408. Download a pre-publication version below:

Greaves I & BENBOW SM. Care of People with Dementia in the Community. Chapter 15, pp 301-314, in The Handbook of Dementia (2nd edition), eds N Kar, D Jolley, B Misra. PARAS, Hyderabad, 2011

BENBOW SM, Jolley D, Greaves I, Walker E. Closing the diagnosis gap and improving care: the Primary Care Memory Clinic. Progress in Neurology & Psychiatry (2013) 17 (6): 27-30. Download a pre-publication version below:

BENBOW SM, Bhattacharyya S & Kingston P.

Older adults and violence: An analysis of domestic homicide reviews in England involving adults over 60 years of age.

Ageing & Society (2019) 39: 1097-1121. Doi: 10.1017/S0144686X17001386 access a read-only copy here. A pre-publication version of this paper can be downloaded below:

Other related publications:

BENBOW SM, Bhattacharyya S & Kingston P. What’s in a name? Family violence involving older adults. The Journal of Adult Protection (2018) 20 (5/6): 187-192, Download a pre-publication version below.

BENBOW SM & Kingston P. Spontaneous concerns about risk and abuse reported by people with dementia and their carers. Journal of Adult Protection (2017) 19 (2): 92-99. Doi: 10.1108/JAP-12-2016-0030. Download a pre-publication version below:

BENBOW SM & Bhattacharyya S

Older People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing. Briefing paper 3 in Growing older in the UK: A series of expert-authored briefing papers on aging and health, BMA, 2016. Available online here.

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