Our Services

Clinical work
Older Mind Matters Ltd provides some old age psychiatry services, including memory clinics within primary care and in residential care settings, plus second opinions under the Isle of Man Mental Health Act.

Family & systemic psychotherapy
Involves working with adults of all ages facing a range of relationships and other difficulties, individually, in couples, or in family groups, and also offering supervision. Four main areas are of particular interest:
- resilience, how we find and draw on our strengths,
- couple relationships
- people living with physical and/or mental illness,
- people experiencing the challenges of middle and later life (including bereavement, retirement from paid employment, and relationships with adult children)

Providing Independent Chairs/ Authors/ Reviewers for Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews, particularly those involving older adults.

Research/service improvement
The Director, Dr Susan-Mary Benbow, is a Visiting Professor at the Westminster Centre for Research in Ageing, Mental Health and Veterans, University of Chester. Older Mind Matters Ltd is involved in a number of research and service improvement initiatives, including a recent project on older adults and Domestic Homicide Reviews and a service improvement project commissioned by Age UK Cheshire, exploring older trans adults’ experiences of health and social care, the Trans Age Project.

Provided independently and in association with the University of Chester. The main areas are dementia/ older people’s mental health; systemic psychotherapy/ working with families; and qualitative data analysis using qualitative data analysis software. We can design bespoke training packages to meet commissioners’ requirements.

Available to various grant funded research projects and to various agencies, particularly those designing/ redesigning older people’s mental health services.