Service improvement project started for Age UK Cheshire

Older Mind Matters Ltd has been commissioned to carry out a service improvement project for Age UK Cheshire looking into older transgender people’s experiences of health and social care (the Trans*age Project). (We’re defining older as over the age of 50!) Some of the questions we’ll be asking trans people and people working in health and social care are:

  • What are your experiences of older trans* people accessing health and social care?
  • What barriers to care you are aware of, or concerned about?
  • What might help to overcome these barriers?
  • What you would regard as good practice?
  • What good (or bad) experiences have you had?

I’ll attach a poster we’ve made about the project for information (see POSTER v2.pdf), but please get in touch if you want to know more.

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© Older Mind Matters
24 Arthog Road, Hale, Altrincham
Cheshire, WA15 0LY

Company No: 6832503
Registered Office: 433

Tel: +44 7789 485 435

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